Clubs & Organizations
Student Council
Sponsors: Miranda Guajardo and Perla Oyervides
PSJA Collegiate HSP Student Council is a group of dedicated student leaders who work with an adult advisor to collaborate with others to impact their school community, which impacts their city or town, which impacts our state, which impacts our country, which changes the world.
Through projects and activities, Student Councils work to:
Student Ambassadors
PSJA Collegiate HSP Student Ambassadors
Sponsor: Leticia Escobedo
(Students pictured at the naming of the Dr. Daniel P. King PSJA College and University Center.)
(Student Ambassadors at leadership conference.)
Business Professionals of America
Sponsor: Leticia Escobedo
Business Professionals of America (BPA) is the nation's leading CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organization) for students pursing careers in business management, information technology, finance, accounting, office administration, and other business related career fields. Open to everyone on campus.
(Students pictured were state finalists at the BPA Competition)
Book Club
Sponsor: Amy Marquez
The Collegiate HSP Book Club connects readers, to expand members' personal literary experience by reading and discussing works chosen by the students in a friendly and open atmosphere. The club provides a safe and welcoming environment for teens to develop a lifelong interest in and appreciation for reading and learning.
(Students pictured at author visit with April Henry)
Battle of the Books Team
Sponsor: Amy Marquez
(2020 PSJA HS Battle of the Books Competition- 3rd Place Winners)
Library Advisory Board
Sponsor: Amy Marquez
The Mission of the PSJA Collegiate HSP Library Advisory Board is to inspire high-school aged students to become life-long library users and to give teens a place to express their opinions through the promotion of reading, volunteerism, and participation in the library. TAB members will assist the library both in developing and implementing programs which serve local teens. PSJA Collegiate High School Program Library recognizes its duty in promoting citizenship and literacy and believes that creating a teen-friendly environment is essential in sustaining a successful, thriving school community.
(Library Advisory Board Officers Pictured)
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)
Sponsors: Miranda Guajardo and Lorenzo Cervantes
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is touching millions of lives… one heart at a time. Since 1954, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high to use the powerful medium of athletics to impact the world for Jesus Christ. FCA focuses on serving local communities by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ.
The FCA Vision
To see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.
(See you at the flag pole event 2019)
Spanish Club
Sponsors: Marcia Cantu
Organizar diferentes actividades culturales para promover la lengua española y la cultura hispánica.
Plant a Smile
Sponsors: Marlisse Garcia and Mayra Salinas
Plant a Smile Allows its members to achieve a sense of accomplishment through attaining socialization skills, personal and professional growth, communication skills, leadership skills, and learning what it means to act selflessly.
(Pictured members at Feast of Sharing 2018)
Skills USA
Sponsors: Miguel Santos
SkillsUSA empowers its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. SkillsUSA improves the quality of our nation’s future skilled workforce through the development of Framework skills that include personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics.